vineri, 30 septembrie 2011

A funky contest

been a long time, and i just found an interesting contest:

joi, 7 aprilie 2011

Kisu shite ii?

Is it ok if I have these feelings? Is it ok for me to wonder how it would be like if you were here? Is it ok to think about you?

I'm just thinking, thinking about the sky, the clouds, the stars, the moon, the night, the quiet place where you are now. I'm wondering if you are awake and if you are looking at the sky, seeing the same sight I'm seeing and just loosing yourself in the night.

I'm thinking about your eyes, that warm golden colour that makes me go crazy, that gaze of yours that attracts me. I'm thinking about your smile, the way that you move your lips when you talk, when you're sad, when you're mad, when you smile, when you laugh. It could be wrong of me, but i can't help myself from being mesmerized by your way of being. It could be wrong to think this but I hope that things will change.

I can only think about how hopelessly empty I feel without you, that every time I look at you, I suddenly feel the urge to hug you, to tease you, to touch you, to ...

So tell me is it all right for me to think this way? Is it all right for me to feel lonely without you, is it all right for me to have these feelings?

Tell me is it all right to as for something? Is it all right if I ask you : kisu shite ii?

luni, 6 decembrie 2010

Little miss cupid

It's such a nice feeling when you help two souls see that they want to be together. It's nice when you actually bring close those two souls, and it is nice when their love prosper.
Oh the joy of being a cupid is great, especially when your friends are happy, and they thank you afterwards. But you could also be one without realizing...

What happens when two souls connect because of you, but you don't know that? What happens when you find out? But most importantly how did you do it?

Without realizing it, your actions help bring them together, even though you haven't specifically thought about such a thing, your actions have a direct effect, even though you didn't mean to. Thus bringing them together.

Soon after you realized what you did, and the joy is enormous. And you feel happy for them, but you also feel happy within. Ah the love...

It is nice to be little miss cupid... But little miss cupid needs a cupid of her own...

luni, 22 noiembrie 2010

Why can't you notice?

Standing there watching you, admiring you, thinking about you...

Why can't you notice this?

Why is my heart breaking in tiny pieces everytime you're nice to me but you still don't notice? Why is it that you make me feel so happy even though two minutes ago I was sad? Why is it that everytime you're there my face is bright? Why is it that my heart skips a beat everytime I see you? Why is it that you still don't see this?

Tell me, please do tell me why you're so nice to me, why you give me the impression that something could work out just fine, but the second my mind goes wild, reality and you break my fantasy? Tell me, oh tell me what you truly feel, what you truly think, what you truly want...

Just stay next to me, hold me in your arms, play with me, toy with me, tease me, please me, let me know you're there for me, you're there to hold me tight, to tell me you care about me. Please don't let me fall in the deep black sea of despair, please pull me out of the darkness that's my past, and take me to a bright future where the two of us are together, where the phantoms of my past don't bother me, and the shadows of past loves disappear.

Please, please make me innocent again, don't let me be a sinner, a teaser, a demon in disguise. Make me pure again, make me yours and make me forget everything until now.

I'm here, just please notice me...

miercuri, 17 martie 2010

Dragul meu pitic de gradina,

Parca ieri ne-am cunoscut si ne povesteam vietiile de parca ne cunosteam de o viata intreaga, de parca nu ne-am mai vazut de ani de zile si dintr-o data am inceput asaltul de povesti una spre cealalta. Nu imi vine sa cred ca totusi a trecut doar un an de cand ne cunoastem dar parca au trecut secole intregi de peripetii fericite, de lacrimi varsate, de iubire neconditionata si conditionata, de intelegere reciproca si de certuri din iubire.

Ah ce frumos era la inceput cand pur si simplu era ceva nou pentru noi, o prietenie noua care nu se stia unde se va ajunge. Nu credeam ca vom ajunge sa plangem din aceleasi motive, ca ne vom face aceleasi griji in acelasi timp, ca suntem 2 paranoice, ca dam cu bata-n balta,ca vom comite aceasi greseala la infinit, ca ne vom descoperi una pe cealalta ca fiind sufletul pereche, ca ne vom intelege reciproc, ca avem aceleasi stari, ca vom iubi la fel de mult...

Ah piticul meu mic de gradina, ce dor imi este de tine in momentul asta, sa putem sa fim doar noi 2, sa ne povestim peripetiile, sa radem de tampeniile pe care le facem, sa plangem impreuna de fericire, sa ne imbratisam si sa ne consolam, sa ne spunem ca totul o sa fie bine, ca viata merge mai departe si ca n-ar trebui sa ramanem blocate intr-un moment etern...

Dar draga pitic de gradina, am ajuns sa sufar odata cu tine, am ajuns sa plang odata cu tine, am ajuns sa ma bucur odata cu tine, am ajuns sa te iubesc... Si iti scriu aceasta scrisoare in speranta ca si tu ma iubesti la fel de mult si ca simti la fel ca si mine ca momentele prin care am trecut impreuna sau separat ne-au apropiat una de cealalta, ne-au facut mai puternice, ne-au facut se ne iubim neconditionat si sa nu ne mai pese de restul lumii ce ne vrea doar raul.

Cu drag,
Al tau mic rac ce este si el un pitic de gradina

joi, 4 martie 2010

"Asociaţia culturală Paspartu „iese la lumină” în cadrul evenimentului „Arte & Prieteni”, alături de trupa DuteVino, proiectul drumS’n’BASS şi revista „Arte & Meserii”. Lansarea are loc miercuri, 17 martie, la Clubul Ţăranului, începând cu ora 20. Intrarea este liberă.

Evenimentul organizat de Paspartu vrea să familiarizeze publicul cu asociaţia şi revista online, aflată la primul număr, într-un spaţiu de socializare, muzică bună şi surprize.

Ce aduce nou? Un proiect-experiment de două tobe, un bass, pe o scenă, în acelaşi timp. Autorii acestui show inedit sunt Ovidiu Baciu (care a mai cântat alături de Byron, Popas Band, Damian & Brothers), Sebastian Lazăr (ce a trecut prin formule ca Seven, Raise Choir, Teamsters Blues Band, Brad Vee Johnson, actualmente Alin Pascal Band) şi bassist-ul Dan (Prepe) Opriş, ex Headliner, Seven, actualmente Vama care vor susţine un jam-session electrizant.

Printre decibeli se va lansa primul număr al revistei online „Arte & Meserii”, care anunţă cu mândrie articole cu Eugen Nuţescu/Oigăn (Kumm), trupa DuteVino, preview NexT 2010, Şerban Anghene şi mulţi alţii. De asemenea, Paspartu pregătesc şi alte proiecţii şi surprize pe parcurs.

La eveniment va interpreta şi trupa DuteVino, o raritate pe scena românească. O combinaţie între 4 oameni talentaţi care impresionează prin originalitate şi simţ muzical. Fiecare instrument are propria personalitate şi totuşi, ascultat ca un întreg, totul este foarte bine sudat. Liniile vocale, ludice şi imprevizibile, jonglează foarte uşor între extreme. Grupul abordează un sound fresh de funk-alternativ, cu influenţe de jazz şi avangardă. Primul lor album se intitulează 0.1 Prototype şi a apărut în luna decembrie a anului trecut."

Probabil va intrebati ce este cu acest nou post, promovarea lansarii unei asociatii culturale, publicitate etc. Insa raspunsul meu ar fi destul de simplu: promovez pentru ca mi se pare interesant, pentru ca ar merita ca si altii sa afle, pentru a avea succes in viitor, pentru ca ar trebui sa ne pese.

duminică, 21 februarie 2010

Too many pairs of shoes

Ah shoes, lovely shoes... Why are we women crazy about shoes?

And a saying goes like this "A woman can never have too many pairs of shoe". All women think this way. But there comes a time when you have a closet full of shoes and more are waiting to be placed somewhere. While those shoes are waiting to be placed somewhere and you can't move around, you start wondering why did you buy so many pairs?

While some of the shoes are for daily wearing in different colors matching different type of clothes, some are for different type of weather, there are some for special occasions which aren't that often used and which give you serious pains, uncomfortable as they are you still don't dear to throw them out, because they are too adorable, or they match a dress you just recently bought, or any other excuse you find worth using.

And as time passes you realize that almost all the fancy pairs are unused and that they are no longer in trend so you through them and buy new pairs which are unique for you, but also a la mode. And so the cycle begins once again...

Still a mystery to men, us women need to buy other accessories to match each and every pair, thus resulting in buying bags, necklaces, scarfs, clothes, jackets, bracelets, rings and other fancy stuff. This resulting in filling more space in ones home with the new trend.
Ah but what do men know about us women, when it comes to our dear passion which is shopping in all it's ways? What do men know about our each and every wound we bear just for fashion? What do men know about our only love: shoes?
The answer is very simple. They know nothing. They adore high heels on how they form the leg of a female, they adore high heels maybe because they are too tall for they partners, they adore high heels because they look good on women. And they adore high heels because they can't wear them.
If, by any chance, a man was to wear high heels, he would suffer enormous pain and would give up the instant he put them on, which is why we women take the burden of wearing them.

But we must look good for those creatures who love us, we must endure and so must they.

But as i see myself now, I'm afraid those those lovely pairs of shoes will cost me my life, the pain felt couldn't be compared to nothing, and thus making me endure enormous suffering, in silent because a woman must be silence when it comes to pain. She must show no weaknesses.

But the closet of her dreams still awaits her...

luni, 15 februarie 2010

post pt 2010

Watashi wa Anka desu
Douzo Yoroshiku onegaishimasu

わたしは アンカ です
どうぞ よろしく おねがいします

luni, 21 decembrie 2009

Do you know that feeling when you're half asleep, you're just coazy in your bed and you're still in a dream land, feeling happy and floating with the clouds dreaming about every possible situation that could come to live, and as you watch your dream pass by you see mister perfect just sitting there being him, coming close to you, hugging you then starting to kiss you and you feel like nothing could be better than that, and just as you're about to find out how he looks or what his name is, your phone rings and brings you back to the world of unhappy things, of sleepless nights and lot of work to do, and as you hear that phone ring you start cursing the person that's on the other end but you forget about it and go on with your life... oh where are you mister perfect?

Ah mister perfect, why did you have to be just a dream? Oh why can't you be real?

But as i see you now, i slowly start to remember you, your pale white face, your warm blue eyes, your smooth black hair and your perfect made body. Your gentle but strong arms, your long legs, your lips that made me kiss you and your attitude that drived me crazy. Oh that crazy boy in my dream, why won't you come to me?

oh that cold personality of yours, that mean attitude of yours which made me hate you at the beginning, but i soon discovered your gentle side, your caring heart and your love for me. Oh boy of my dreams why are you so mean to me, why don't you show me the love, why do you keep me away from you? Do you think that this is better, keeping me away from you? Well let me say this just once pretty boy: I miss you, I love you and I don't want to be separated from you. I don't care if it's wrong or right, I just know I love you and I want you.

Oh wonder boy why do you keep that mask, why do you hide your true self? Why do you keep people away from you? Oh I know you suffered and I know you're doing what you think it's best for everyone, but sometimes you got to accept your true feelings and stop hiding from the others. Be yourself, and love everyone like you should.

Oh boy of my dreams you need a girl to guide you, you need an angel to show you the way, you need a little love in your life, you need someone special. Let me be that someone, let me show you the world outside the cage, let me guide you to a world of light and love, and let me enter your heart like you entered mine. Let me not exit that warm place that's inside you, let me stay there forever like you will always have a place in my heart, just like my love for you is without limits, let our time together be unlimited...

Oh pretty boy of my dreams.. I love you

vineri, 18 decembrie 2009

Oh what a wonderful life and the snow makes it perfect^^

Cum stateam eu linistita in patutul meu caldut in dimineata magica, si incercam sa ma trezesc dar ceva ma tragea inapoi, ceva ma impedica sa ma trezesc si acel ceva era caldura si confortul din acel moment, am intors putin capul spre geam si am vazut miracolul de Craciun. Ningea. Ningea cum n-am mai vazut in ultimii 2-3 chiar 4 ani. Fericirea simtita in acel moment era nemarginita, era fara limite deoarece ne asteapta Un Craciun Alb

Ah ce fericire pe mine ca ninge.
Cismigiul, care deja era decorat pentru Craciun, impreuna cu aceasta zapada a devenit magic, irezistibil de frumos. Imi face placere sa ma plimb prin Cismigiu indiferent ca inghet de frig si nu imi mai simt degetele sub nici o forma

Vinul fiert ma incalzeste in aceste momente. Tinand acel paharel, sau acea cana, de vin fiert in mana imi incalezea atat sufletul cat si corpul. Ah ce buna e si turta dulce, la fel si acele lollipops multi colore. Patinoarul este numai bun acum, dar mai asteptam sa vina prietenii ca sa ne distram. Sa organizam un snowball fight, sa castig acel snowball fight. Sa am nasucul inghetat si sa nu-mi mai simt fata, dar sa fiu fericita, sa ramana blocan un zambet pe chipul meu.

Sa mergem dupa in Valea Regilor, la localul meu preferat unde au cea mai buna narghilea cu cirese. Un vin fiert langa acea narghilea face totul sa fie perfect. Ah caldura emanata de narghilea, prietenii din jurul meu, glumele specifice. Ah ce atomesfera placuta, ce sentiment de neuitat si amintiri placute.

Ah never forget those snowy days
